I couldn’t get the subject of this speech into words.
The only way I could start writing was to stop what I was doing by doing nothing. Literally speaking, that makes sense, because if you want to do one thing, you have to stop doing another. Figuratively speaking, this is something much bigger.
Boredom is falling into a hole. That’s what it feels like. Boredom is falling upwards. That’s how it goes.
Boredom is the helicopter that takes you through the clouds, the clouds of renewal.
Boredom is the monotonous North of a magnet that at- tracts the original South.
Boredom is the silence you don’t want to hear.
When you’re bored, the best thing you can do is… nothing. In the empty boredom a space is created.
A space with a rocket of creativity that activates in you. New ideas and creations are flying around.
There are no distractions around you.
This allows you to think deeply and use imagination for solutions, ideas and creations.
A space with Tupperware jars that helps you organize your thoughts. There is time, space and place to process your feelings. You can notice what emotions you experience about these things. You automatically make a self-reflection, which leads to personal development.
A space with chargers that gives you energy again.
The chargers can work after you will start trying time-filling
activities. From this you discover new interests and hobbies. These things can give you energy again like chargers do.
A space with a microscope that makes you notice the
little things around you. The peace and tranquility allows for more observation. You notice details that inspire you or make you happy. Normally you don’t see these very small things due to the speed of our days.
A space with a traffic light that indicates that you want something different in your life.
Look at what signal it gives.
This way you can look for what you are missing.
When you find what you desire, boredom has given you a new path in life.
A space with a gift for you.
You open it and don’t know how to respond.
At first glance you really don’t know what to do with it. After a while you’ll see what you can use it all for.
You changed your mind about before.
Boredom is all this and at the same time it is nothing at all. It’s an emptiness. We can describe this as falling into a deep hole or jumping into something new.
So take your time to do absolutely nothing.
Let boredom do all the work for your next creations.
– Alix Provinciael –
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